Noah Millman ... While I`m sure that it will be helpful to Jeff Bezos`s sales-tax-related lobbying to have a major national newspaper in his wallet, I am quite skeptical that this was an important motivation for purchasing an asset like Post, for a variety of ... That`s why you can read movie reviews, send text messages, check airline flight times, and perform a zillion other functions on a Bloomberg terminal – functions that don`t generate incremental profit for Bloomberg.
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Joining President Barack Obama at Thursday`s National Prayer Breakfast was Dr. Benjamin Carson, a pediatric neurosurgeon with Johns Hopkins Hospital. For 25 minutes at the ... by Noah Rothman | 8:53 am, February 8th, 2013 video& ...
Timothy Noah, @timothynoah1. 4:48 PM on 06/27/2013 ... In other words, it was about sexual license in a culture entirely alien to most tradition-minded conservatives. The two gay men who were arrested did not, in fact, .... Typical leftists, they always shoot themselves in the foot -- and then send US the doctor`s bill. 20 replies. 0 ... I am arguing for a means to provide gays EQUAL status with normal married couples without violating the Constitution or pissing off 295 million Americans. 0.
Posted by Noah Cohen (Editor) , August 22, 2013 at 11:06 AM .... With threatening emails coming to my home, one Emil Lebovitch coming to Council (paid) I gues)to publicly denounce me( while lying about his residence and voting status, threatening emails sent to me by Mohammed Hamedudin, living under police guard, attacked ... I`m sure it serves your buddies Gussen and company well, which is why you got that outrageous, undeserved, crony appointment to the Planning Board.
Noah Millman ... While I`m sure that it will be helpful to Jeff Bezos`s sales-tax-related lobbying to have a major national newspaper in his wallet, I am quite skeptical that this was an important motivation for purchasing an asset like Post, for a variety of ... That`s why you can read movie reviews, send text messages, check airline flight times, and perform a zillion other functions on a Bloomberg terminal – functions that don`t generate incremental profit for Bloomberg.
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